LeetCode Solutions

913. Cat and Mouse

Time: $O(n^3)$

Space: $O(n^3)$


enum class State { kDraw, kMouseWin, kCatWin };

class Solution {
  int catMouseGame(vector<vector<int>>& graph) {
    const int n = graph.size();
    // Result of (cat, mouse, move)
    // Move := 0 (mouse) / 1 (cat)
    vector<vector<vector<State>>> states(
        n, vector<vector<State>>(n, vector<State>(2)));
    vector<vector<vector<int>>> outDegree(
        n, vector<vector<int>>(n, vector<int>(2)));
    queue<tuple<int, int, int, State>> q;  // (cat, mouse, move, state)

    for (int cat = 0; cat < n; ++cat)
      for (int mouse = 0; mouse < n; ++mouse) {
        outDegree[cat][mouse][0] = graph[mouse].size();
        outDegree[cat][mouse][1] =
            graph[cat].size() - count(begin(graph[cat]), end(graph[cat]), 0);

    // Start from states that winner can be determined
    for (int cat = 1; cat < n; ++cat)
      for (int move = 0; move < 2; ++move) {
        // Mouse is in the hole -> State::kMouseWin
        states[cat][0][move] = State::kMouseWin;
        q.emplace(cat, 0, move, State::kMouseWin);
        // Cat catches mouse -> State::kCatWin
        states[cat][cat][move] = State::kCatWin;
        q.emplace(cat, cat, move, State::kCatWin);

    while (!q.empty()) {
      const auto [cat, mouse, move, state] = q.front();
      if (cat == 2 && mouse == 1 && move == 0)
        return static_cast<int>(state);
      const int prevMove = move ^ 1;
      for (const int prev : graph[prevMove ? cat : mouse]) {
        const int prevCat = prevMove ? prev : cat;
        if (prevCat == 0)  // Invalid
        const int prevMouse = prevMove ? mouse : prev;
        // The state is already determined
        if (states[prevCat][prevMouse][prevMove] != State::kDraw)
        if (prevMove == 0 && state == State::kMouseWin ||
            prevMove == 1 && state == State::kCatWin ||
            --outDegree[prevCat][prevMouse][prevMove] == 0) {
          states[prevCat][prevMouse][prevMove] = state;
          q.emplace(prevCat, prevMouse, prevMove, state);

    return static_cast<int>(states[2][1][0]);

enum State { kDraw, kMouseWin, kCatWin }

class Solution {
  public int catMouseGame(int[][] graph) {
    final int n = graph.length;
    // Result of (cat, mouse, move)
    // Move := 0 (mouse) / 1 (cat)
    int[][][] states = new int[n][n][2];
    int[][][] outDegree = new int[n][n][2];
    Queue<int[]> q = new ArrayDeque<>();

    for (int cat = 0; cat < n; ++cat)
      for (int mouse = 0; mouse < n; ++mouse) {
        outDegree[cat][mouse][0] = graph[mouse].length;
        outDegree[cat][mouse][1] =
            graph[cat].length - (Arrays.stream(graph[cat]).anyMatch(v -> v == 0) ? 1 : 0);

    // Start from states that winner can be determined
    for (int cat = 1; cat < n; ++cat)
      for (int move = 0; move < 2; ++move) {
        // Mouse is in the hole -> MOUSE WIN
        states[cat][0][move] = State.kMouseWin.ordinal();
        q.offer(new int[] {cat, 0, move, State.kMouseWin.ordinal()});
        // Cat catches mouse -> kCatWin
        states[cat][cat][move] = State.kCatWin.ordinal();
        q.offer(new int[] {cat, cat, move, State.kCatWin.ordinal()});

    while (!q.isEmpty()) {
      final int cat = q.peek()[0];
      final int mouse = q.peek()[1];
      final int move = q.peek()[2];
      final int state = q.poll()[3];
      if (cat == 2 && mouse == 1 && move == 0)
        return state;
      final int prevMove = move ^ 1;
      for (final int prev : graph[prevMove == 0 ? mouse : cat]) {
        final int prevCat = prevMove == 0 ? cat : prev;
        if (prevCat == 0) // Invalid
        final int prevMouse = prevMove == 0 ? prev : mouse;
        // The state is already determined
        if (states[prevCat][prevMouse][prevMove] > 0)
        if (prevMove == 0 && state == State.kMouseWin.ordinal() ||
            prevMove == 1 && state == State.kCatWin.ordinal() ||
            --outDegree[prevCat][prevMouse][prevMove] == 0) {
          states[prevCat][prevMouse][prevMove] = state;
          q.offer(new int[] {prevCat, prevMouse, prevMove, state});

    return states[2][1][0];

from enum import IntEnum

class State(IntEnum):
  kDraw = 0
  kMouseWin = 1
  kCatWin = 2

class Solution:
  def catMouseGame(self, graph: List[List[int]]) -> int:
    n = len(graph)
    # Result of (cat, mouse, move)
    # Move := 0 (mouse) // 1 (cat)
    states = [[[0] * 2 for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]
    outDegree = [[[0] * 2 for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]
    q = deque()  # (cat, mouse, move, state)

    for cat in range(n):
      for mouse in range(n):
        outDegree[cat][mouse][0] = len(graph[mouse])
        outDegree[cat][mouse][1] = len(graph[cat]) - graph[cat].count(0)

    # Start from states that winner can be determined
    for cat in range(1, n):
      for move in range(2):
        # Mouse is in the hole . kMouseWin
        states[cat][0][move] = int(State.kMouseWin)
        q.append((cat, 0, move, int(State.kMouseWin)))
        # Cat catches mouse . kCatWin
        states[cat][cat][move] = int(State.kCatWin)
        q.append((cat, cat, move, int(State.kCatWin)))

    while q:
      cat, mouse, move, state = q.popleft()
      if cat == 2 and mouse == 1 and move == 0:
        return state
      prevMove = move ^ 1
      for prev in graph[cat if prevMove else mouse]:
        prevCat = prev if prevMove else cat
        if prevCat == 0:  # Invalid
        prevMouse = mouse if prevMove else prev
        # The state is already determined
        if states[prevCat][prevMouse][prevMove]:
        if prevMove == 0 and state == int(State.kMouseWin) or \
                prevMove == 1 and state == int(State.kCatWin):
          states[prevCat][prevMouse][prevMove] = state
          q.append((prevCat, prevMouse, prevMove, state))
          outDegree[prevCat][prevMouse][prevMove] -= 1
          if outDegree[prevCat][prevMouse][prevMove] == 0:
            states[prevCat][prevMouse][prevMove] = state
            q.append((prevCat, prevMouse, prevMove, state))

    return states[2][1][0]