LeetCode Solutions

876. Middle of the Linked List

Time: $O(n)$

Space: $O(1)$


class Solution {
  ListNode* middleNode(ListNode* head) {
    ListNode* slow = head;
    ListNode* fast = head;

    while (fast && fast->next) {
      slow = slow->next;
      fast = fast->next->next;

    return slow;

class Solution {
  public ListNode middleNode(ListNode head) {
    ListNode slow = head;
    ListNode fast = head;

    while (fast != null && fast.next != null) {
      slow = slow.next;
      fast = fast.next.next;

    return slow;

class Solution:
  def middleNode(self, head: ListNode) -> ListNode:
    slow = head
    fast = head

    while fast and fast.next:
      slow = slow.next
      fast = fast.next.next

    return slow