LeetCode Solutions
class Solution {
vector<int> exclusiveTime(int n, vector<string>& logs) {
vector<int> ans(n);
stack<int> stack; // [oldest_id, ..., latest_id]
int prevTime;
for (const string& log : logs) {
// Get seperators' indices
const int colon1 = log.find_first_of(':');
const int colon2 = log.find_last_of(':');
// Get function_id, label, and timestamp
const int id = stoi(log.substr(0, colon1)); // {function_id}
const char label = log[colon1 + 1]; // {"s" ("start") | "e" ("end") }
const int timestamp = stoi(log.substr(colon2 + 1)); // {timestamp}
if (label == 's') {
if (!stack.empty())
ans[stack.top()] += timestamp - prevTime;
prevTime = timestamp;
} else {
ans[stack.top()] += timestamp - prevTime + 1, stack.pop();
prevTime = timestamp + 1;
return ans;
class Solution {
public int[] exclusiveTime(int n, List<String> logs) {
int[] ans = new int[n];
Deque<Integer> stack = new ArrayDeque<>(); // [oldest_id, ..., latest_id]
int prevTime = -1;
for (final String log : logs) {
final String[] splits = log.split(":");
// Get function_id, label, and timestamp
final int id = Integer.parseInt(splits[0]); // {function_id}
final char label = splits[1].charAt(0); // {"s" ("start") | "e" ("end") }
final int timestamp = Integer.parseInt(splits[2]); // {timestamp}
if (label == 's') {
if (!stack.isEmpty())
ans[stack.peek()] += timestamp - prevTime;
prevTime = timestamp;
} else {
ans[stack.pop()] += timestamp - prevTime + 1;
prevTime = timestamp + 1;
return ans;